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Other useful links:
Doctors of BC
At Doctors of BC goal is to promote a social, economic, and political climate in which physician members can provide the citizens of British Columbia with the highest standard of health care, while achieving maximum professional satisfaction and fair economic reward.
College of Physicians & Surgeons
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia regulates the practice of medicine under the authority of provincial law. All physicians who practise medicine in the province must be registrants of the College.
Canadian Association of General Surgeons
The Canadian Association of General Surgeons advocates for manpower issues, transition of practice for the aging General Surgeon, pay equity for General Surgeons, access to resources needed to provide care for patients, and for quality of care for surgical patients.
BC Radiological Society
The British Columbia Radiological Society (BCRS) is a non-profit organization that represents the Radiologists who practice in the province of British Columbia in pursuit of delivering the highest quality of patient care through the provision of world class diagnostic imaging services.
The BC Pediatric Society
The BCPS vision is that all BC infants, children, adolescents and their families will attain optimal physical, mental and social health.
BC Psychiatric Association
The BC Psychiatric Association is the professional association for psychiatrists in British Columbia. We advocate for our patients and our profession by working with allied organizations to reduce stigma and build resources for people with mental illness.
The British Columbia Orthopaedic Association
The organization’s major activities include continuing medical education, the organization of orthopaedic training centres across Canada and collaboration with the Royal College/College of Physicians of Quebec on issues involving orthopaedic surgeons.
The British Columbia Association of Laboratory Physicians
BCALP represents the Section of Laboratory Medicine of Doctors of BC and makes recommendations on business and economic matters to the Doctors of BC Board of Directors and Committees.
Society of General Practitioners of BC
We are the economic and political voice of family doctors within Doctors of BC.
Section of Emergency Medicine
Emergency Doctors are medical doctors who work in hospitals to provide care to people who suddenly become ill with life-threatening illnesses or injuries.
The Section of Clinical Faculty
The Section of Clinical Faculty represents Physician Clinical Faculty members and supports them to provide excellent care to their patients and excellence in teaching.
BC Anesthesiologists’ Society
The BC Anesthesiologists’ Society represents approximately 400 anesthesiologists who provide specialized medical services to hundreds of thousands of British Columbians each year.